Concept of Ominedo’s CSR
Ominedo’s CSR is based on its corporate philosophy. CSR stands for “corporate social
responsibility,” and Ominedo’s CSR practices are there for all employees to be able to
follow them in order to fulfill our social responsibilities. Based on our corporate
philosophy, “Ominedo pursues the happiness of all its employees both physically and
spiritually and contributes to the social welfare of all human beings,” we promote our
own CSR practices.
In detail, we categorize our company’s CSR into society, environment, and employees,
and promote it in each area.
Companies are members of their community. Not only do their contributions include payment of taxes and employment, it is also important to support the cultivation of the community, support civic activities, and solve problems with others depending on the issues in the area. We provide support not only in Nara and Japan, but also overseas every year.
As the global environment continues to become worse, the requests to and expectations of companies are increasing. Because we are a Kampo product manufacturer, we are closely connected to worldwide issues such as preserving plants used for medicines and other crude medicine resources as well as their effective use. We also deeply understand the actual state of these issues and will continue to address them by setting concrete goals.
The workplace is a major factor that shapes society. In addition to securing and maintaining employment, we aim to constantly improve the social nature of the workplace and enrich both the work conditions and private life of all our employees.
Examples of Ominedo’s activities
- Green feather campaign, red feather campaign
- Donation to Yamatotakada-shi for children orphaned from traffic accidents, donations to other disaster-stricken areas
- Donation of goods (Sichuan province, Tohoku area)
- Fundraising for various NGOs and NPOs
- Donation of medicines and goods to Cambodia
- Blood donation activities
- Football classes
- Factory tours for elementary school students
- Ecocap activities
- Donation of books to elementary and junior high schools
- Sponsorship of sports events in the surrounding area
- Acceptance of junior high and high school student internships, etc.
- Display and education on energy consumption
- Enlightenment activities (electricity, gas, steam, etc.)
- Implementation of “energy saving patrol”
- Discussion of the adoption of devices with high energy efficiency such as LED lights
- Power consumption saving during summer, winter, and breaks
- Cleaning of rivers and agricultural water channels
- Garbage separation, recycling
- Composting of residue from crude medicines
- Preservation of resources such as plants for medicines, improvement and accumulation of cultivation techniques
- Promotion of domestic cultivation of plants for medicines, etc.
- Study tours
- Training to learn our corporate philosophy
- Other training programs (newcomers, first-year employees, at the promotion to a leader role, etc.)
- Support system for obtaining qualifications
- Project participation-type education system
- Training at Ominesanji Temple
- Holding a safety hygiene committee
- Improvements to the working environment such as the establishment of local exhaust ventilation
- Childcare leave, nursing leave, and support systems thereof
- Appointment part-time workers and dispatched workers as full-time workers
- Golf competition twice a year, events inside and outside the company, etc.
- Birthday holidays, present of flowers to employees’ families, etc.